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Repair Services Available at This Event: 



Ridgewood Public Library Auditorium
125 North Maple Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450

201-670-5600 ext. 137

About Ridgewood Repair Cafe:
Neil Valere held the first Ridgewood Repair Cafe in early 2018, at the Ridgewood Makerspace. Neil is an Instructional Technology Technician for the Ridgewood Public Schools and a Makerspace Coordinator. Neil and Larissa worked together to move the Repair Cafe to the Ridgewood Public Library, so we could operate any day of the week. Our Cafe meets in the RPL auditorium, usually on a Saturday afternoon. Upcoming events are listed on the RPL website, Facebook page for RPL and Repair Cafe Garden State, local newspaper, Repair Cafe website, and other outlets.

We love challenges of all kinds -- glass trophies, Prada heel repair, antique miniature sewing machines -- and the regular objects that people bring in for repair, like bicycles, lamps, coffee makers, jeans, and more. Our volunteers have expertise in a range of repairs, especially jewelry, sewing, basic to intermediate mechanical systems, gas-powered lawn mowers and snow blowers, and electrical wiring. 

Speaking of volunteers, we are always ready to welcome anyone interested in helping our visitors repair their belongings. We don't need repair geniuses (though it certainly wouldn't hurt). Patience and a good sense of humor are often more valuable than repair experience! We always need help setting up, matching visitors with our volunteer repairers, keeping walking areas clear, and otherwise making sure our cafe is running smoothly.